Goat meat, Chicken and other taboos
Did you know that eating goat meat was a taboo for Yandang women and children back in the day? Yes, I know it sounds unbelievable! I was just as shocked when I first found out. Not only were women forbidden from eating it, they were also not allowed to cook it. It was usually cooked outside the house, in a suspended pot over the fire, or at the shrine when men went to judge cases and discuss issues. It was cooked and eaten without any involvement from the women folk. when I asked my uncle why, he said it was because eating goat meat made women look dry and sickly! considering women and children have been eating goat meat without fear, since the dawn of colonialism, it is fair to say this taboo was just founded on superstitious beliefs. As if denying us of the heavenly taste of goat meat wasn't enough, we were also forbidden from eating chicken! chicken o my sisters! I cant imagine living in a world where eating goat meat and chicken was a taboo for women. I weep ...